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Old 03-10-2017, 06:16 PM
Windbreeze Windbreeze is offline
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 104
Lightbulb How Do You Define Lightworker? What Kind of Lightworker Are You?

I learned that lightworker can actually be anyone as we are all here for self-discovery and that term is also used as a way to inflate one's ego.

In my opinion not everyone can be lightworker and first qualification that one must hold is to feel different, misplaced and have hard time to find place to fit within society. What are the other qualifications? I don't know but I think it has to be in constant pondering of one's purpose, possibly seclusion, depression, inner work and other things that first qualification leads to.

I for one meet these 2 qualifications but there may be more as we narrow down to truly determine whether we are lightworkers. I heard lightworkers are introverts that have hard time in communicating with people due to strong sensory capabilities of energies. They try to help but end up ones absorbing another's energy and end up feeling exhausted.

Do lightworkers also have learning disabilities? I personally do. I feel like I am behind my biological years. I am 34 but have intelligence of a 5-10 year younger person. I met 24 year olds that are seemed very intelligent and knew what they want from life. I however do not know what I want and in my years, those 24 year olds that are now around my age have families, cars and houses on mortgage as they have respectable jobs that require higher education. I do not have any of that. I read about people who call themselves lightworkers, yet they are very sociable and well educated. An opposite of some of descriptions that define lightworkers.

I found this post that lets you know your lightworker's name. Mine is "Nature Guardian of Avalon". Any meaning to that? I have completed this personality test and found out that I am INFJ-T.

Do you define yourself as lightworker? What makes you think you are the one? Let me know. I also wonder if INFJ-T is a type of personality that lightworkers share. Feel free to take a test and let me know. Thanks!
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