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Old 23-10-2006, 01:36 PM
Posts: n/a
I have this theory

I have this theory lately that when we die we still passover into an higherself, as we have many times before, but we are also reincarnated at the same time, so we will never feel the benefit of passing over, and seeing the otherside. I still believe we can communicate with loved ones etc through a medium on the other side, but that is our higherself that we wont really know about or witness until we reach our spiritual perfection. So until we reach spiritual perfection we will never know if the afterlife really exists or feel the benefit of it. Just a theory It's like two separate parts of oneself and this earthly side or part of us, still wont know what it's like on the otherside, but our other spiritual part will know, but both wont combine together until spiritual perfection. Hmmmm a disturbing thought