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Old 30-06-2019, 05:53 PM
zorkchop zorkchop is offline
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 1,025
Lemex . . .

You will find the awareness that mind cannot step beyond the psychic worlds when you actually DO step beyond the psychic worlds. The psychic worlds are the mind / emotions / body. Mind cannot step beyond itself. Soul . . . can . . . because Soul Itself is of those worlds beyond the psychic but It just doesn’t know that . . . nor what that means. The entire Path through the psychic worlds can one looked upon as discovering what one is by first discovering what one is not. Soul eventually discovers that It does not need the mind to “be aware” . . . or conscious . . . though Soul does accept that It needs the mind to be mentally aware.

JustBe and muffin . . .

As the old saying goes . . . We have met the enemy and the enemy is us. To me . . . this is another example of as paradox. “Us” . . . is a social construct . . . a group concept. If one totally goes along with the group . . . then the enemy is “us.” But the more valid statement would be . . . the enemy is me . . . because “me” has accepted what the cultures and teachings has dictated to us. This is part of the Path. Tie this in with what I said above . . . that we discover what we truly are by first discovering what we are NOT.

What one finally discovers in trying to revise or restructure the mind and the beliefs one holds . . . is that one cannot “fight” the mind from either extreme . . . or perhaps . . . one cannot “pressure” the mind from either extreme. In other words . . . pressing in against the mind by being either for OR against something . . . just strengthens the belief. Obviously . . . if one is intensely “for” something . . . the belief strengthens through positive reinforcement. If one fights the mind through negation . . . the belief is again strengthened via attention and emotion . . . such as always wanting to get rid of “that” belief. This just makes it stronger.

So . . . what to do?

One finds that one cannot fight the mind but it CAN be led . . . not necessarily in a constant and insistent battle to head *this* way or think *this* way . . . but in a gentle and persistent nudging towards the belief / concept / idea that one wishes to incorporate. If the mind strays 1000 times . . . you bring it back 1001 . . . gently yet firmly . . . with focus. “I believe *this* to be more valid” . . . or “I believe *this* will open more doors” . . . or “I believe *this* will be of greater benefit” . . . and just keep reminding yourself of those concepts. Slowly . . . one replaces the other. New beliefs are strengthened . . . hopefully in the direction that is more of your choosing.

Does this take a long time? Yup. But it’s also fabulous training for the mind to look for the more positive . . . the better . . . the more advanced . . . the more unfolded . . . the more open . . . or whatever word(s) one wishes to use in all of this.

Consider the mind to be a toddler throwing a tantrum. “I believe the old ways . . . I believe the old beliefs . . . wahhh . . . wahhh.”

And then you come along and gently revise . . . perceive anew . . . steer the mind’s attention towards the goal or the revision.

It works.
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