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Old 24-06-2019, 11:13 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by JustBe
The truth can be found in everything, everywhere you are. When you drop all the bells, whistles and imaginings outside of you, awareness takes ‘you’ back to the direct nature of truth through all that as yourself.

In reflection of your comments, passing judgements and need to hear only what you want to hear, I’m seeing you in all your colours more real. Am I fazed by them? “No”. Am I interested to understand your view just as you are? “Yes”.

I’m interested in your deeper truth which is beyond all those things you have mentioned you want and need in response.

So as I’m looking, I can see why in your opening to shut down your energy body, your shutting out other things coming in. When one door closes, another door opens, then we see how the direct nature of those external inflows feel in our mind/body without anything in the way.

This is where the direct truth in you lays.

We create ways to open, close off, shut out, shut down. We control.

In a true open ‘fully’ state, everything can pass through you. The emotional body once contained through its energy awareness only coming back to meet itself without that in its way. The totality of ones ‘whole’ state is inclusive of everything you are aware you are. The deeper realisations bring it all into balance. I’m aware because I’m aware of the energy flow in my body now, without emotional binds. The order is irrelevant, our choices become apparent.

What I need and want to hear is feedback from someone open minded enough to experiment and look at things from a different perspective.

Your perspective is Groupthink spirituality regurgitated from New Age Alan Watts, Eckhart Tolle, and Oneness philosophy. It's not even your original thought -- it was just something handed to you that you're passing off to me.

Your philosophy I have practiced extensively in the past and it has failed miserably for me -- I'm looking to discuss things with people who aren't too scared to admit potential fallacies in what we've been taught in new age spirituality.

Finding ways to explain to me that I'm lost and mis-associating things (which direct observation is disproving these explanations) is really closed minded and unenligthening.

If you're open minded enough to question GroupThink Spirituality and genuinely try new things, by all means lets chat. If it ends up being wrong for you, that's cool.

What I'm observing here is closed minded people unwilling to acknowledge any possibility outside of New Age Dogma as an explanation for my own personal betterment -- these same closed minded people calling me closed minded.

I'm the one trying new things, experimenting, and getting creative for results.

I'm in no way trying to be hateful, but I really don't have time to talk to closed minded people who think they have it all figured out because they read and practice the Tao Te Ching.

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