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Old 05-01-2011, 09:38 PM
Posts: n/a
Well I dunno, I've met him as a real person, and that picture you use is of most true likeness of him. He looks a 15 year old kid. When I've achieved a certain status on here I might share the link with my experience.

I believe he is a reincarnation of Krisha. I believe he does exist in the flesh, but his body is beyond the five elements- he is obviously more than his body- like what you say- a spirit- or maybe just God or a manifestation of God.

I believe Paramahansa Yogandanda is the incarnation of Arjuna. And Swami Vishwananda the present incarnation of Yogananda- who's guru is now Babaji directly. And I believe Jesus is also on the planet as well and runs a website called :))))))))) But I could be wrong.
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