Thread: Month Planning
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Old 04-03-2018, 01:44 AM
tealily tealily is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 4,090
Yay another prospectus/retrospective thread, I am really enjoying these at the moment. As well as Steampunk tarot.

* Steampunk Tarot

1. What was my lesson last month?
4 of Wands reversed. There's an interesting vibe here - like, there's a lot of celebration, milestones being reached etc, but the feeling I get here is that the figures are actually taking down the garland. Things are coming to an end, and it may be time to pack up and move on. This resonates for me as I had to say goodbye to my old car and am preparing to say goodbye to my house.

2. What energies will be present this month?
5 of Pentacles reversed. The feeling I get here is that the figures are getting ready to move on and seek alternate shelter (again, apt as I'm looking to move again soon). This is all about picking up and moving. I'm feeling that the advice here will be to "travel light" - it's probably a good idea to continue decluttering and not make any purchases unless I really need to (eg the car) as I am literally about to move.

3. How can I use this knowledge?
3 of Wands. The energy here feels to me as if it's about setting my sights for the next big move. So again - this probably means looking at every potential action and purchase in terms of "will this come with me to the new house?". I'm also feeling that it's wise to know my parameters for the new place I'm looking for, eg location, the facilities I'm after etc (I know I am already super-keen for any kind of apartment with enough space, a private outlook, and has a pool or close access to one). It may also mean that I need to keep a close eye on the rental market re: new listings.
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