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Old 26-09-2006, 09:03 PM
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Originally Posted by e-ma
Do you think that with a standard Western upbringing (i.e: growing up in an urban environment, having eaten junk food / sweets for most of your life, drinking alcohol when socializing, having taken medication, smoked, etc) would one ever be pure enough to handle this kind of event? Say, if you lived a reasonably pure life for a year or so, would you then be ready to handle the demands that kundalini makes of you?

E-ma yes that's correct. On spiritual path when energylevel of your body is getting higher this smoke, medication, junk food etc stuff just do not fit into your body anymore as the energy of those is not compatible anymore. It does not mean that you never can eat junk food or take a glass of wine but smoking is better to stop it prevents one to get to higher realms as it is making energyfield dirty and attacts negative entities. But what comes to food stuff for example things comes step by step and there is not need to make full changes in life before you feel that you really want to. Myself for example never desided to get on mostly organic vegetarian food but it just happened after spiritual pracitse that I just felt bad and "heavy" eating junk food and it was not difficult to make new choices but it happens in steps and for me it took years to give up on everything like that and it really came naturally never forcing myself. And before that I had junk food, I did smoke and I even had quite a lot of parties when I was younger so things can change. The only thing which can permanently damage the energybody is hard drugs but rest can be cleansed :)

But one important thing is emotions and mind and to learn to master those levels as well. The true happiness and peace comes in soul connection when the lower bodies ( like emotions or mental stuff) do not govern the life anymore but soul does.

The point is that do meditation and practise everything you want as long as you feel good but stop if you get symptoms and concentrate on cleansing then. Purity of the three lower bodies is vital while doing ascension process.

Love and light
Dari El