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Old 24-03-2012, 10:31 PM
Posts: n/a
is my home haunted or am i a medium ?

hi firstly i live 5 feet away from a cemetry and were i live they are people being buried still right near my home on a night i see shadows at the bottom of my bed and sometimes when i go to bed the room goes really dark does anyone know why this would happen as it happens a few times during the night then i feel like im surrounded by spirits and i see shapes in front of my face i asume they are spirits also one night i could see something dropping on my face i woke my husband and aske him to record it on his iphone to see what it was and i was right it looked like orbs falling on my face i seen a orb explode into a green flash of light my little dog sometimes growls at something thats not there my washer was found in the middle of my kitchen once and no one had touched it my light bulb in my kitchen exploded but unscrewed itself first tv turned its self over few times my little boy has heard voices in his bedroom and i seem to hear conversations as im dropping of to sleep i never seem to remember them though when i wake my ears make like white noise noises and they go higher sometimes like someones trying to get my attention .
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