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Old 09-11-2017, 03:06 PM
IsabelSeyler IsabelSeyler is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 101
Originally Posted by LunaBlue
I'm new to this forum and to Twin Flame. My twin and I were unaware of such a thing until after our final reunion. Decades passed where we were not in each other's lives. Mostly due to my ghosting. In fact all due to. Several times we became too close for my comfort and I ran scared. It left a hole in my Twin's life. He missed me thought of me and thought I was gone forever. He lost interest in life and was on as he put it autopilot. A shell.

But I, being his Twin Flame, returned. IT WAS ENTIRELY BEYOND MY CONTROL. The email I meant to send him (one short sentence) sat for weeks in my draft box. Until 2/22 of this year. I pressed send at 8:44 am. 4 is my number 8 is his. His reply came at 11:11 am that same day.

OMG. Were we in for the experience of many lifetimes. He says I have changed his life. So many unbelievably good things came his way after our reunion. He is as he puts it transfigured and ecstatic. Soul-bound.

And why? Because we have met in former lives. I was made aware of that. And This is not the final chapter of our journey.

You shall reunite if you are true Twin Flames. You can entirely be certain of this. The cosmos directs. All in good time.

Take heart from one who knows.

Glad to hear you reunited. I did see a rainbow the very moment I found out his infos after 4 months of fruitless searching. I dont know what this whole this is. I just find it strange that before we met I kept asking to show me who is my real love and he showed up. But all was gone shortly. Its just so painful.
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