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Old 25-04-2019, 09:56 AM
Posts: n/a
Sounds more like a soul mate. Mine is also female. There's nothing carnal about it but we have a lot in common about our views on life, how we approach problems, our tastes in the arts, our regard for others and our appreciation of physical activities like dance and the arts being important to our spirituality as an outlet for self-expression. We have almost identical beliefs about creation and things. She is an artist running a small business with her husband; I'm an artist (of sorts, I don't flatter myself here) freelancing in multi-media.

You really need to examine some of the web stuff on twin flames in detail to see that much of it is waffle and false, riddled with contradiction and suppositions parading as facts, put across in a tone suggesting that only an ignoramus wouldn't believe it. The unwary and vulnerable might fall for it... I mean, there are even "twin flame match-makers" out there offering their services at $400 per throw! Have you ever heard such nonsense?

So beware. But a soul mate is a wonderful bond to have. It needs no commitment or spiritual jiggery-pokery because it just IS.

However, this doesn't deny that she might just be your twin flame but use your intuition - think about how well you mesh rather than turn to screed on the web about it. Twin flaming was once the inspiration of the theosophists and hardly commented on outside the occult before the internet sprang into action.
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