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Old 06-07-2011, 09:54 PM
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Originally Posted by TzuJanLi

I do not consider 'authoritative or powerful' to be necessarily linked to 'punitive'.. authority and power can be used beneficially, and.. ultimately, both authority and power are given by those that could be dominated by such attributes.. people choose their existences, because everyone inherently knows what is appropriate, but they often choose what is 'convenient'..

I sense your understandings to be very 'appropriate'.. i sense that everyone has a basic understanding of the most appropriate relationships for advancing harmony with Life.. people don't really need authorities or deities to compel them to act appropriately, people need to be honest with themselves.. invoking deities and rules are just ways of separating the individual from its responsibility with the whole..

We share a similar criteria for validity.. Sacred texts should be as inclusive as possible, and as understandable as possible.. nothing that is valid is limited by culture or geography, hence the 'inclusive' criteria that would extend beyond unique cultural boundaries.. to be understood by peasant and philosopher alike indicates a theme of inclusiveness, avoiding a hierarchy of accessibility, or accessibility by affordability.. valid spiritual themes should not challenge simple common-sense, this is the same Life and beings that Live it, from which riddles and complexities would incite degrees of separation.. valid spiritual themes inspire unity, not exclusion.. valid spiritual themes just 'make sense', like:

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you;

Love your neighbor as you love yourself;

Let those that are without guilt cast the first stone;

Live simply, that others may simply live;

We are traveling to where we have always been, from ignorance to enlightenment.. awareness is the vehicle.

We are each parts of a greater whole, which is greater by the collective synergy of its parts..

We are like snowflakes, unique patterns of exactly the same stuff.. energy, spirit, 'God'..

Hurt one/hurt all ~ help one/help all..

Be still, and know.. that you are 'that which is'..

You are not this temporary aging body, you are the eternal energy that animates it..

Be well.. be still, and see that this is so..

Tzu...we are agreed for the most part. But i remain wary of authoritive coupled with power, too often it is abused in any given facet of life. Please notice i said 'wary', not a written in stone judgement. it would be refreshing to see otherwise. : )
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