Thread: My cards...
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Old 12-03-2012, 11:08 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by norseman
Not much point is my offering an interpretation because I use a pagan mythology tarot and you are obviously using a Rider-Waite or similar.

You could expand your basic knowledge here
Open it up, look in the yellow column on the left and click on "cards".
Each card has one or two pages on individual meanings, so that might give you more ideas.

One point [IMO]. Instead of seeing the cards as singles, look for connections between them. Your final reading on all the cards ought to give a continuous story.
Hope that helps a little

Yes thank you this does help :)

I did try and view them as a whole picture - I noticed yellow is a predominant colour as well as white then blue - I noticed The Empress next to the IX of Pentacles which signifies pregnancy which I think is kind of ironic considering I have a 17 year old but still feel like there is a little girl spirit by my side and has been for years - anyway I will take your advice from the link and see what more I can discover - thanks for yr help :)
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