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Old 19-03-2019, 02:35 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by olhosdeamendoa
Do you understand the dynamic between twin flames? You cannot see a TF dynamic the same way as a traditional relationship.
I've researched a fair bit on twin flames on the web and via discussion, to the extent of tracing it back to its occult origins. It seems that twin flames is possible if both participants can together fulfil certain requirements which is pretty rare. The demands are a big ask of another person if they aren't on the same page at the outset. The notion has however has quickly become populist. Look down the number of viewers on each forum section - and TFs wins hands down (often by as many a 4-8 times the rest). Is it really attracting that many people inspired by spirituality? If not then what? Questions about which it wouldn't be prudent to give my view.

Besides, every time I come across a new blurb on twin flames it differs from anything else, usually aiming to "sell" more than its competitors.

So which "dynamic" should I choose to understand? The one about you have only a partial soul that's meshed with someone who has the other part? That you're both complete souls but they mesh so well that they dissolve into one another? That your twin flame is a mirror (assuming you know yourself well enough spiritually to be sure of what you "see")? Or...

However, what I don't understand is your use of the word "dynamic". It's another word becoming jargonistic in the spiritual market place. It's offocially defined (as a noun) as "a force that stimulates change or progress within a system or process." But isn't that as much as part of ordinary relationships? Or do TFs dynamics have special extras?

I think I know what you mean but thinking and understanding are a bit different.
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