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Old 26-03-2012, 06:43 PM
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Taught about the primal archetype, the wise will open the doors of all others. But even without the intuitive knowledge of those who can see without eyes and hear without ears, many humans got to understand by observations of nature and animal behavior how archetypes influenced social life. They are the foundations on which lies the building of life, and equilibrium that is a condition of harmony cannot be maintained without following the flow of the currents they provoke. The source is the primal flow that grows with the adding water during its course to the sea, and we must be cautious when we add effluents to the flow. That flow is our own life and the effluents are the cultural education we add by promoting it to others. The couple is one of those archetypes I am talking about. In its purest expression and in the human sphere it is the mating of a man and a woman attracted by their inner qualities for a symbiotic relation that will conclude in the fabrication of a child. The archetype of symbiotic relation is still present in the planet memory under the form of cellular association, where mitochondrial activity inside the cell is the expression of an old association where bacteria mated with a primitive cell giving the two of them the opportunity to advance to another level. In the vegetal reign the lichen is an example of a symbiotic relation where a mushroom and an algae are gaining from each other qualities.The flow of life can be accelerated only by the expense of braking some of its aspects. IN the fourth phase of the cyclic archetype named the planetary heart, the artificiality which exteriorization is the main aspect, is in the sphere of influence. Those who fall to the suggestion of the black power, they will inherit the burden of atlas, having to carry the world on his shoulders, a way of saying they will have to travel twice for the shortcuts they used .Getting to learn the primal archetype to the point of instinctively using it in everydays life, is the way to identify the flow of the mythic Tao and navigate with it.
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