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Old 23-11-2010, 05:23 PM
Posts: n/a
I've owned many beloved four legged friends, and cat's were always the ones i could relate to. Early on, it was so hard when they passed on, but now i am very comfortable knowing they are all okay.
I've had my loved ones that pass come back to me. Not just dreams either, and i know they are somewhere in the death realm. They always come to reassure me.
But of the greatest honour and experience i had, was when my good friend Merlin (my amazing black and white cat) came back to me after he died, and we had hours and hours long talks. He taught me many things. He will always be one of my greatest soul mates, teachers and my best friend. I know he is okay, he even taught me how to explore the death realm back then. Too bad i lost that talent, but hopefully i will get it back soon enough!!
But cat's are by far the most intelligent souls i have ever been able to communicate with!
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