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Old 28-07-2013, 02:35 AM
Posts: n/a
333 is Definetely Meaningful For You!!!

Originally Posted by PatriciaJ
I've been waking up every single night for a couple years now between 3:00 am and 3:33 am. I feel like there is activity going on or a message that 'something' is trying to get across.

This morning at the time between the above, I awoke again at my usual time only to slip into a light sleep or dream of meeting a deceased man I once knew at his usual haunt. He ordered his usual drink and we sat down at the table to discuss his death which was very tragic, but I found myself agitated, angry and couldn't focus on the discussion at hand because I was somewhat angry with him for taking his own life. I flitted in and out of conversation as my spirit was restless. I apologized to him for my lack of focus. I also remember being told something that was very important by someone else, who I don't know and unfortunately I don't remember what I was told but I believe it concerned a world event.

This morning was unusual, I usually wake on my own, this morning the dog woke me up...barking at nothing.

Does anyone else have these experiences? and thoughts to give me more insight on this matter?

I have never experienced what has been happening w/you waking up between 3:00-3:33 so I can't comment other than to say that it certainly IS significant if for no other reason other than a sign that the Ascended Masters and or Angels are moving in your life to effect significant spiritual growth in your life. I have been having all kinds of synchronistic experiences with the number 3 and 333 as well that I also believe is a sign that these same entities are working in my life. This business w/the 3s started right when my mother crossed over. I know that we are indeed "blessed" to be recipients of this "3 phenomena"----- this I do NOT doubt at all. The dream you've recounted here is very interesting! I wish I had more of an ability to interpret dreams as I would love to know the exact meaning of this dream you had! I do sense that you did have contact w/this man (in this dream) that committed suicide and that the reason is because he is learning where he now is about the wrongness of suicide and conversing w/you about it was part of his learning process. The knowledge he obtained by his intereaction w/you will carry over into his next life and be instrumental (we hope) in preventing him from doing it again. This is just what I sense and intuit is the meaning of this dream/encounter you had w/this man you once knew on earth. Hope that helps you begin to get a deeper sense of the meaning of the 3s and the dream you recounted here. Later. Peace/Namaste---Spiritseeker here.
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