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Old 14-07-2017, 07:04 PM
baro-san baro-san is offline
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 481
Originally Posted by TheEternalStudent
Lately I've been getting random thoughts about dying that lead to severe anxiety, like borderline panic attack. I'm not sure when these "spells" started happening, probably right after I gave birth to my daughter almost a year ago. It's not hard to overcome, usually I take a few deep breaths and can calm myself down after a few minutes or so, but I get pretty shaken whenever these sudden feelings come on. Anyone had this happen before? I'm also prone to a wild imagination and wonder if these sudden attacks are due to certain energies/spirits I can't see. Why else would these thoughts appear for no apparent reason? I've never been suicidal and don't have a history of anxiety (unless it was drug-induced from weed/psychedelics). Comments are appreciated.
It may just be the responsibility and love you feel now, being a mom.
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