Thread: Toxin release
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Old 27-12-2012, 07:24 AM
Belle Belle is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 8,227
Toxin release

Much is spoken about the power of massage and how beautiful it is but the toxin release is hugely scary - and shouldn't be underplayed.

I've just had - well - a couple of days ago - a bone cracking deep massage and the toxins flying around my body still prevail. My fingers and toes HURT and my headache has been like nothing else.

Start gently and work up - if I had my time again that is what I would have done but hey, it was how it was and that is what was meant to happen but goodness me!

I can do little else but sleep and drink water. Thank goodness I'm on holiday so zero commitment but equally a shame that I'm on a hard-earned holiday and fit for nothing!
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