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Old 19-06-2018, 05:28 PM
Compendium Compendium is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
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Posts: 374
Linen As an adult I have reflected on my past and myself. In knowing who I am as a person I can see where I would have volunteered to be the child in that situation. I also learned some valuable lessons such as forgiveness of not only others, but also forgiveness of self. What I lived through helped me grow as a person and who knows if I would have made such progress without the hardship. I have met a lot of pastors and preachers etc. Most had hearts in the right place, but didnt understand that what they where preaching was harmful to children. God only loves us he is after all our parent. We are a part of him and in being a part of him he would never punish us for eternity. That is the message children need to learn.
Remember: This life is only temporary so make the most of it
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