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Old 16-05-2019, 04:49 AM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by Taking a Break
By having strong ego-strength, the individual feels that he or she can cope with the problem and find new ways of dealing with struggles.

Why do many people carry the belief that the ego needs to be destroyed or even killed?

Depends what you mean by ego. If we consider ego as identification with personality, then we are identifying with something other than our true Self.

Ego may serve a purpose to begin with, and as you say, a strong ego-strength can get things done. But when we tread the spiritual path then this same ego gets in the way.

So the removal of ego means that we cease to identify with personality and all its limitations, we cease to identify with the non-Self. Personality patterns remain, but we realise that these patterns are not what we are.

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