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Old 29-06-2017, 02:59 PM
Jongirl Jongirl is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 5
Thanks all for your replies. I am currently working with a paranormal team but it's just begun and I have no idea what they'll be doing yet. I will see how this goes and if I have no success I will begin to try other things and seek your help/and help From others. Had anyone ever experienced or heard of something attaching itself when meditating and eye and body movements were happening during meditation. And the voice is just almost non stop. I've read a lot and it seems that many people only experience the voice on occasion. I'm trying to find someone to talk to that has experienced something very similar or could shed light on exactly what it is im dealing with. This is so unbearable I just can't function. I can't believe this is my life now. I have to believe this will end soon!
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