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Old 02-07-2018, 10:11 AM
SerendipityLizard SerendipityLizard is offline
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 420
Originally Posted by Ankhesenamun
I also absolutely hate this century. I hate everything about it - the abusive and hate-filled people everywhere, the modern technology, the extreme surveillance and lack of privacy. The destruction of normal life, ie normal family life is virtually illegal by now, instead divorce, split ups, numerous partners etc is being pushed already at the kids at school, certainly at adults. The fake "medicines" nowadays that cure nothing but cause a lot of damage. The fake pseudo science that is psychiatry and pushes antidepressants on everybody. The fake news everywhere, the extreme corruption everywhere. But most of all the high level of hatred and abuse everywhere.

People have changed for the worse, most people are despicable now and us who still believe in helping others, being there for others, being fair etc, we are seen as the odd ones out and the "weirdos". I've lost count how many times I've been asked "what you don't want to marry some rich guy for money? What's wrong with you, are you mentally ill?" What sort of a question is that!!!

There are no real jobs around any more because everything gets made by machines, and computers do the rest. People therefore go into nonsensical non-jobs and stick their nose into other people's business and mess people's lives up.

I also hate it that it's impossible to find friends because people are fake nowadays, it's impossible to find a partner because everybody is just having it off with anything that moves - and that gets promoted by the government as "ideal". Nobody talks to anyone any more, people don't meet up any more or go to places to make new friends because everybody is now glued to their phone and too busy posting pictures of themselves or their dinner on facebook.

I just hate everything about this century! The world was reasonably normal until the 1980's but after that it went downhill.

I miss my previous life in Ancient Egypt, but even if I had been born just over a century ago, in Victorian times, things would have been better. But nowadays - I don't belong here, I don't want to belong here, I hate everything that's "modern", I even hate the strange clothes that people wear now, I hate the modern way of thinking (which is nothing but "me me me"), and if time travel was possible I would be back in the past in a flash.

I will agree that many people are abusive and cruel, but fake medicine? I’d like to politely say that medical advancements have been improving. There are many flaws today, sure, but back then doctors didn’t even know how lack of hygeine could create disease. They did not even know illness came from tiny viruses and bacteria. The average lifespan has risen from 40 years old to 80.

And what is this about the worry about computers taking all the jobs? Before industrilzation lessened all the farming jobs, and now instead of farming, people can develop specializations in other areas. It’s also a misconception that computers can replace all jobs — actually, it’s much more likely that human beings can work with computers.

Computers can only do repetitive manual tasks or several large equations, and very rule based games like chess or Go at the moment. People still require deep creativity, emotional connection and flexibility of solutions from human beings. Or did you actually research on the field of computers?

Computers mean no real jobs? How about the medical use of equations for computers? What about computers that can analyze mosquitoes’ mating sounds to see if they’re dangerous to human beings? What about apps that allow for practical use like for exercise, schoolwork, relationships, finding a job, and many others? As someone who wants to be a software developer, this sounds like a very unfair stereotyping of these people — it’s a type of discrimination to view people who are very passionate about a different field from yours — I thought you hatd abuse. Why are you doing the same?

I agree that more people should meet in real life to connect deeply, but then are you discounting that all online relationships are superficial and fake? The benefits of the internet is that you can connect with people that are hard to find in real life — say people with similar rare diseases, obscure hobbies, and new beliefs. Does it sound entirely useless to you that people actually get to interact worldwide to understand the wider society instead of being cooped up where they live?

Our advancements are not fundamentally negative. These are tools, and the actions on how we use them are the ones that are negative.

I’ve seen through many past lifetimes where I worked in some kind of machinery and technology, and boy are people overly cynical about every piece of new tech that came by. I know Socrates hated the ideas that books existed, and said it stops us from training our minds to learn.

It is not entirely bad. It is not entirely good. To think of it so negatively is unrealistic.

Thank you for listening, and I’d like to say I’m not angry at you. Feel free to discuss back if you disagree.
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