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Old 07-07-2018, 09:25 AM
marcel marcel is offline
Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 27
I think the distiction between "spiritual" and "rational" is moot, because most people are neither just one or just the other.
A rational person will not limit his belief to only the things he can see and a spiritual person will not limit his belief to only the things he feels.
Whether someone believes in a "miracle" does not depend on leaning more towards spirituality or rational thought. It depends on ones imagination.
If someone tells you something you haven't experienced yourself you wouldn't just believe it. You don't need proof but you would try to imagine it to be true and then decide if it fits into your set of beliefs.
Btw. the chicken/egg thing is no paradox. Neither was first and there's a perfectly rational explanation for that.
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