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Old 12-01-2016, 04:22 PM
The Taoist The Taoist is offline
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Hello' Lamboo009:

I will attempt to offer you as much info. as I have been given by Divine Spirit....

First of all, it is vital that you understand that your personal perspective is on one level and mine is on another level, no level of awareness/perception is better than another, they simply identify 'where you are' in your own personal growth status.

And it is also important to understand that.....most of your questions come from a base of....”Absoluteness, separation and duality. Wherein, in the Higher levels of spiritual awareness and evolvement there is no duality or separative perceptions. There is only Multi-dimensionality, immediate manifestation and change.

Now, with that out of the way, we can begin.

First of all, many of your questions relate to “Karma”. I sense and feel that you, although your energies appear to be that of a very 'youthful' physical individual, you also appear to have an “old soul” signature, meaning have lived a rather large amount of lifetimes here and on other planets and universes.

Therefore, you do not have a shallow, rudimentary or trivial mind, one that cannot handle any genuine, in-depth understanding, but in fact, it appears that you have a strong, in-depth and highly evolved mind, which can easily comprehend and 'energetically digest' the info. that I will now offer.

Very well, first question......the answer to this , in general, is yes! But, not always.

Second appears that you are asking about Karma again and how it regulates or works. Now, what is seen is that if an individual chooses to come to this planet as you have mentioned ….and in this particular type of case/hypothetical event, it might be because he, the scientist, might have a karmic lesson to be learned where he had dome some very Dark and destructive things in a past lifetime and is attempting to learn 'what and how' he caused these same issues in others by experiencing the very pain and destructive actions or events himself.

No. 3. This question, as the others, appears to be something that you have asked on another format or event and that it may not have importance here.

No. 4. This question relates to...”Direct connection” AND A DEEP INNER AWARENESS of one's spiritual connectivity to ALL THAT IS.

No. 5. Appears to be...another question that you have asked or someone else has asked at an earlier time and therefore, does not really warrant a resonse.

No. 6. Again, this appears to be a question related to an earlier event connected to a spiritual being whom you might be questioning and so, will not be answered here.

No. 7. Soul exchange. Yes, this is something that happens all over the Universe and in other parallel Universes. What is known as a “Walk in” is a form of soul exchange, and it is also a common theme here on earth, especially in the secret Military / Illuminati groups and families, but, in this case, they use computer chips to 'store or transfer' human consciousness ( proof can be found on You-Tube videos, i.e. Donald Marshall-cloning chips, Fritz Springmeier- cloning & immortality, Dr. P. Beter-organic robotoids, Capt. Randy Cramer US Marines-cloning & micro chip tech., Simon Parkes-nano chip tech. Etc.) .

No. 8. Again, this question relates to Karma. And that, each and every spiritual being that arrives here on Earth, has 'chosen' to enter here and therefore, has a contract with this planet and some of its beings. And that, if an individual chooses to enter into this planet with any form of illness or sickness or faulty limb or deformity of sorts, it is because they have 'chosen' it.

No. 9. Yes, normally it will be forgiven or expunged, as you say, and the individual can then move on, depending upon whether or not the individual learning the lesson has gained the 'depth' of learning his or her lesson.

No. 10. Ahh.h.h.h....Creator questions, good. Well, as with anything, not everything is known on or in this Earth or Universe, and in this case, I am unable to answer this question as I have not been taught this particular understanding from Spirit, but, I do have a suggestion for you....ask Creator Itself....and listen for the answer.

What I know is that.....Creator always has been and always will be...and that there was no beginning or end and that Creator Itself is like an infinite, all seeing, all loving, all knowing, all wise, Universal Dream that we all live and create inside of and that we as co-creators have a similar ability to create our reality, in order to learn our lessons.

No. 11. Ah.h.h.h.h. Another good question. Again, this is something that I cannot answer and that you may research this yourself to find the answer. May I suggest the.....”Seth Material”, by Jane Roberts to help you get started.

Most of my fellow teachers/channelers have been brought up on this type of spiritual training and I sense and feel that it would beneficial for you as well.

I hope this has helped.

In Light & Peace The Taoist
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