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Old 05-06-2015, 05:59 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by CrystalSong
Someone manifested me a couple days ago. They were wanting a Shamanic Journey but not the usual kind involving mind altering substances or sweat lodges or going without food or water for days.

I'd just gotten trained recently as a Master of Crystology and part of that was Shamanic Journeying with crystals. I was looking for a Guinn pig to take through the veil into other realms. We met at a conference, I got urged to offer my skill sets to him as he was being urged to ask to spend time with my asking questions...

Maybe we manifested each other? Life is so Cool!
First rate experience for both of us... I'm still amazed it can be done using crystals vectors!

Nice to hear! Thank you for sharing, LIFE ir absolutely COOL
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