Thread: pentagrams
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Old 03-08-2006, 03:55 PM
Posts: n/a

Okay.....just looking for a little advice on something.

The other night I was meditating...kind of....and I decided to protect my home with some nice bright white light (feels like I've had a bit of negetive energy following me for a little while to decided to get rid of it and protectct myself and my home) i started imagining myself surrounded in light slowly enlarging my "bubble" until it filled my home. I was concentrating on making it nice and strong when all of a sudden silver pentagrams appeared at various points round my home. They were clean bright silver and each one was spinning slowly....and they seemed to be part of my protective light. As far as I can figure out I never put them there (I don't use symbols or anything like pentagrams when i work...don't feel the need)

Anyone got any ideas about this? Why would these pentagrams appear? Was it something I subconsciously did or did someone/something else put them there? I don't feel threatened in any way about this happening...just curious! lol
