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Old 02-06-2015, 11:05 AM
wmsm wmsm is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 897
Originally Posted by Frederick33
theory don't you just love that word ?

numbers ?

once posted this ,

'in school they teach us numbers they start of with pictures of apples
they say 1 + 1 = 2
and teach it by showing one drawing of an apple next to an other and a + and than an = and than two apples
now let me think about this in a more close way if you go about saying 1 + 1 = 2
and now try and fix its bearing on reality more closely in the apple way meaning that numbers
have an other grip on reality than just being ink on paper
so there is one apple and one next to it so now for it to be two you need to be sure there are
two separate apples as mathematical certainty
so this we do in a very basic way , for there to be two separate apples both having number 1
you need to measure the distance between them so for doing this you name one apple A and the other B
than you make a measurement from apple A to apple B so where is the measurement going to start ?
well it should start on the outside of apple B or perhaps in the centre
and you need to draw a line from apple A to B to be sure you have two apples in a fixed spot
the start of this line should be a small point but how small ? it cant be a point so big its not
the start of a line to point B ( the other apple ) the real point from where to start this line
should be infinitely small for it to be certain and not two or three points close to each other
but how small is an infinite small point ? seems never small enough I would think
so how could we ever conclude from knowledge gained from senses that learned us to read numbers
like 1 and 2 are as apples and mean something other than just shapes of ink on paper how can
they actually Revere to real things ? like apples or other things ? some how they must but how ?
why is reality not just an apple A and an other Apple that only looks similar but is not the same
only similar to the eye ? it seems to me 1=1=2 means not a lot at all really and in fact it seems
like 1+1=2 could also bee seen as not so (!?)'

here , a further explanation is also there

science is that interesting ? sure to scientist

but whats the real use ?

its some thing created in darkness cos darkness is just that

in the light when working with light energy

all can be done and created

healing , free energy , a state of complete contentment

and much more

'that light' is already knowledge and any thing else too


much love and light to all

A human being male thought about naming all things, and he did.

A human male gave meaning to the naming of all things.

A human male who created Science implied by his ego that he knew all things.

A human male named space as an emptied out body of a preceding form that once filled it.

A human male who created the Word of God as an explanation of creation from his own conscious review included records that already existed to inform his person.

Light a state that creates both sound and image communicates from its most highest circumstance through to its lowest circumstance. The communication in light is by image or story not WORD.

Therefore human male, you already considered via your own ego virtue how you were created.....from Light and not from darkness.

The Bible as the Word of God talks about and discusses values that already existed.

Therefore in the beginning was a human being male who existed in a state of an already substantiated creation (atmospheric light sound,images,body) to review how from SPACE the body of the ATMOSPHERE as the darkness or spirit body-gas was formed as the light body or Heaven of Christ.

This is how a human male who already existed as a self manifested light spirit organic cellular being thought about from his and through his own cellular created body how the atmospheric spirit was created. He thought about this state as he wanted to be a Philosopher, a Scientist as a building practice for stone levitation.

He therefore also considered his own spiritual creation within the data he accessed (called himself the holy Christ male spirit) as he reviewed how the atmospheric spirit was replaced and then rejoined with the body of the Light that he had identified existed in his spiritual conscious or psychic review as the God Heaven that NEVER FELL and existed and still exists before all Creation was created.

This is how he gained the Word of God and the explanation of the Christ God from and through his own spiritual consciousness.
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