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Old 17-08-2014, 02:08 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Raphah
Lol. Ok it was cheesy.

However, what if X-Men is closer than we think.

Or the Sci-Fi series 'Lost Girl' is realistic where every human body has the spirit of what they really were before the Great Flood during Noah's Days ?

During the days of Atlantis, it was common to see a satire running down the cobbled street and pegasus as well. However, no one believes me.

Man has already grown an ear on a mouse. How much longer before we have the first new age minator (half man, half bull) ?
I think ya are just overreacting XD

Any sort of entertainment, like Hollywood movies, cartoons and so. Really, they do nothing. They just, entertain, inspire, like spark up new ideas, tell stories, let the directors and artists express themselves. Really it's nothing wrong.

It's more you are the one being transformed there XD the more ya let this simple thing get to ya, it's gonna really change ya pft. like your thinking, predicting all kinds of wacky stuff. Just like the movies, wacky stuff happens. Sometimes, a story is so good, that a person can think it could be real, or what IF this happens.
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