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Old 03-03-2018, 07:22 AM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
Posts: 3,580
I tend not to use guided meditations but I am sure that others can recommend some some good ones.

A couple of thoughts:

You say that you are a water sign. Water is strongly associated with the emotions, the astral plane, the moon, etc. So that suggests that you are naturally sensitive and perhaps you tend to express yourself through the emotions. Maybe your challenge is to make your emotions your friend, not something to be suppressed or fought. Becoming comfortable with your emotions may be the key to finding serenity.

And as a nature person, perhaps you could consider walking in nature as a meditation, particularly if you have easy access to rivers or the sea. It sounds as if you would be very comfortable in that kind of environment, and also being in nature is very grounding. The element of earth will help to balance your strong water.

Just a thought.

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