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Old 08-10-2010, 03:37 PM
Posts: n/a
When I was a child, I saw auras around everything... I thought everyone did! As I grew older, I came to realize that was not the case and learned how to keep it to myself, so as to be accepted and not thought "odd" by my peers. Later in life when I consciously chose a life in service to spirit, I had to go back and re-claim my gifts... gifts (which, whether through lack of practice or acknowledgement, I know not which!) had faded. I think today those named crystal and Indigo children are more fortunate, in that they have adults around them who recognize their differences and encourage development of same, but for we who came to age as the Rainbow bridge, bridging the gap between the old consciousness and the new, it was not so. We had to battle for our beliefs and stand strong against powerful opposition. In truth it made us stronger and more committed to our work in spirit and to Creation's Great Plan of Light to which we dedicated our lives and the small assignments each one of us carries out on It's behalf, so maybe it was all for a purpose. I think back on those early carefree days when I saw auras, saw and interacted with elemental life forms (fairies and such) and had the potent gift of the sight and of prophecy and do so with longing for a simpler and less effortless expression of God's gifts, but again... everything for a reason!

Love, Light & Blessings to one and all!
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