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Old 28-08-2019, 11:40 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Aknaton
I just received more information from White Sky a moment ago in a brief session I had with some close to me. As always, as he appears, I see images of a white eagle flying and things like that, and our communication began.

His message was concerning his ability in helping people develop subtle/second sight and hearing. As well, in strengthening the connection between the astral eyes & ears with the physical mind to relay non physical communication. He says also that if one desires this, that faith is required and even without his aid, faith alone can cause one to attain to seeing and hearing subtle communication such as visions and voices.

He also helps repair damage done to the soul-body connection with regards to second seeing/hearing and receiving other communications from the Soul and beyond.

According to him, those that desire this with or without his help need to exert a single pointed desire into practice like a Sadhana for at least 21 days and reduce contact. Fasting is very beneficial in this.

The various frequencies in the head commonly referred to as tinnitus is a sign of potential breakthrough for spiritual communication, think of a small water leak in a pipe.

And also that channeling nowadays is abused and should not be sought as a goal in and of itself and shouldn't be commonly engaged even if it was acquired as a byproduct of some meditation or prayerful practice. Let the Creator, let Love, let Peace, Let Joy, let Light, let Grace be channeled into your life first into you before you try and communicate to others, otherwise you will fall into falsehood and deceive many which will incur much debt upon the soul.

And a message for Christians is to exercise more openness in mind towards ascetics of various kinds who seek self-knowledge, not in imitating what they do, but in they're "work ethic" and virtues. Then an example he gave was Xu Yun and the Desert Fathers; ascetic monks of the Christian tradition, but not to lose sight of Salvation. Humility, Faith and Patience. The serious contemplation of the scripture 1 Chorinthians 14:1, being something very cardinal for Christians in this age.

Loved the use of this little word LET.

This is a very powerful word that gets overlooked in our lives.
Mainly how it effects the Heart region of our being.
What do we LET into our Heart?
What do we LET go out of our Heart, as seeing it of no benefit.
It seems the heart can absorb indiscriminately
and we need to stand guard and be vigilant
in our Heart region.
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