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Old 17-04-2019, 07:52 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
I am just waiting for the "666" mark of the Beast to be included in there somewhere...maybe the next step is implanted microchips like dogs have to interract with our mobile phones for "identification purposes" and to relay payments etc directly to utility companies and such..for without the chip (which will be compulsory) you won't be able to buy food, pay your bills, communicate with others...we will all have "alien implants" inside us voluntarily...well, as far as "starve and die/face imprisonment if you don't have one" gives us the voluntary it!
Regrettably it's already happening. Most of our news outlets in the UK have reported it.
Here's one:

More in keeping with your "mark of the beast" here's another.

Puts a new slant on "having a chip on your shoulder." Now, it's in your hand!
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