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Old 03-08-2020, 10:03 PM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Location: U.S. Southwest
Posts: 2,755
Everything is connected, everything is touching everything else. Touch is the primary sense for every other sense that we have. To see with our eyes light must enter the eye and touch the occipital part of our brain.

To smell odor must touch our olfactory nerve, to hear sound vibration must touch our inner ear, and to taste requires that scent or substance touch the taste buds in our tongue. Touch is the primordial sensation.

Every sense that we have on the outside goes deep within us, thus we have outer sight and also insight, etc. We can touch things and people on the outside and also be touched by things and people inside of ourselves.

True magic is the art of discovering what may seem like hidden relationships. Everything is relating and communicating with everything else. These relationships are not hidden, rather they are beyond everyday ordinary perception. Discovering them can seem magical.

More people have touched my life than I am aware of, and I am sure I have touched others whom I am not aware of. We are all connected, we are all in touch, we are all One.
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