Thread: Idolatry?
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Old 05-06-2021, 03:41 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Altair

This could boil down to how one defines 'worship'. Do you view the pictures as being god or gods? Do they have that quality in them? Or are they just representations, ''just pictures''?

What do you believe?


I think it boils down to how one defines 'idols'. For me I see idols as that which draws one's attention and devotion. These can be obsessions(pursuit of wealth, status, approval etc) or can be addictions(sex, alcohol, drugs, gambling etc.) People often choose to believe the literal understanding of idols(golden calf, statues, art) so they can pride themselves as not believing in those things.

For instance I have carvings of Christ the Redeemer, St. Francis, the Lady of Guadalupe, etc. What do I think of when I notice them ? First is usually where I got them....what country, what city, what store....if we ate somewhere near to that and at that time. At the moment of purchase I think of the inspiration and motivation of the artist. For me they becomes momentos. If I look at them in a more spiritual way I am reminded to remember the divine. I would guess that most of the voodow dolls that people display are also souvenirs.

Some of the art work that we have is from friends and relatives. When I look at that I am reminded of everything that is good about them....not what a great landscape they have painted, etc. Not being an expert in art appreciation I marvel first at the ability and inspiration of others to deliver a message in art, music, poetry etc. If I am lucky or gifted all of those give me a glimpse into the soul of the artist. The scriptures and parables are similar works of art.....their true meaning is obscured by the literal mind.
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