Thread: Animals
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Old 22-03-2012, 03:42 AM
Seawolf Seawolf is offline
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 4,274

Hi Everyone!

My friends dogs and cats have always like me, they always want to be around me (which is a little annoying sometimes). I talked to a cat one time and said jokingly, 'why don't you go find a bird or something'. Then a few minutes later it came back with a bird in it's mouth.

Also I thought I could understand the birds one time. I was so sick that I couldn't move any muscles, even thinking hurt. So I just sat there motionless and though I heard the birds talking about me. They said something like my life was **** now but it will get better in the future. Maybe I'm just self-conscious though, they might have been talking about all of us.

Do you ever communicate with animals? Or the earth?
"Just came back from the storm." -Jimi Hendrix
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