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Old 05-10-2019, 11:35 AM
KonrD111 KonrD111 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 25
Originally Posted by MAYA EL
You have no content for me to argue about? I can't make a case against something you haven't come up with yourself or at least stolen from someone and relabeled it as yours.

How is it stolen? I'm just gathering books from sources I believe are enlightening and offering a download link, most of them are free to download from the sources I got them from.

If you're going to study enlightenment yourself do you just come up with your own information about it or do you get it from people who have been achieving it for thousands of years? I think the latter because most would agree the path to enlightenment has been defined already and there are things that are known to help achieve it, I'm simply making a list of them and sharing that.
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