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Old 07-10-2012, 06:58 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Are you willing to take one suggestion from someone you respect?

Have practised religions - Personally for me I see them all as dead ends & take issue with all of them. I'd love to see a World without religion.

Have however applied certain principles, form many varied sources - teachings of the Buddha, thich nhat hanh, Tolle, Tony de Mello, Ramana Maharshi, & many many others. In essence all the spiritual masters say the same thing, just in different words, filtered through their own individual personalities. The truth doesn't change.

In relation to my own life, struggles, difficulties, & issues however - the same problems remain.

I also do take suggestions from someone I respect - have been working with a competent healer for the past 4 years. He's reached similar conclusions about certain things as I have.
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