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Old 01-03-2018, 05:50 AM
paperw1ngs paperw1ngs is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 122
Yes it only started happing in the past couple years. It started with a boyfriend he would be thinking something and I'd feel it in my heart. We'd be at a bookstore; me rummaging through books, him on his phone. I'd turn away from my book as I'd feel his heart sink and I'd ask very forwardly why his heart dropped then he shows me a sad text. Or I sent a suprise amazon gift to my mother (takes a few days). I forgot about it and one moment I feel her thinking very kindly of me with a mix of emotions; suprised, confused happy and with a mental word image like "how sweet!" then I think huh? Oh gift??? I check my tracking code and it says delivered just then. Then she follows up with a text expressing the same feelings Other times for people I havn't spoken to in weeks or months suddenly I'll feel them like they're in the room with me. The same feeling I feel when I'm around them; sometimes I can even smell the way they smell, and with powerful emotions they're sending me as if I'm feeling them with them and within an hour they send me a long winded message with the same tone of the feelings I felt from them earlier. An interesting place the world is at times. I also see people I know speaking or connecting in my dreams with me to share something a feeling or a message to express that soon after...It can be as beautiful as it is sad though. If I hold them too strong in my heart and feel sorrow for their pains too much I will feel them and sometimes see or hear them when they're going through something traumatic. If this happens too often with someone I will send beings of the light to help them or really good energy everyday and their life improves vastly; I can lose myself in people sometimes though...and it's much harder to heal myself than others for some reason.. Often people don't want to talk about when they're going through something bad so I write them and worry for them until they tell me or respond if I felt it was serious enough to write them about. Thankfully I don't experience it as much as before as I have an iron wall around my heart these days. ;)
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