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Old 15-08-2011, 11:29 AM
Posts: n/a
Chinese & Asian History

I've recieved a few snippets but theres one full story that I remember clearly.
In this I believe I met a soul connection of mine there, in fact, one that i'm curently connected to now.

The first thing I received was a girl looking up at me lovingly, shyly trying to hold my hand. She had thick long hair, her boundy tightly bound by thick fabrics. It looks almost as if she was at a cermony. I was focused on her and smiled.

The next was me at some monastary-type plac.e We stood in a courtyard, the ground was covered in stone. Part of it opening up from the ground, shubbery, and trees. There seemed to be a place specficially made for plants. I stood in a line full of young men. Each one leaving slowly one by one. I remember looking at my friend, taller than me, slyly and aking a joke. We began to laugh which only earned us punishment. We found ourselves on the ground holding ourselves up with undevlped muscles. I fell to the ground and started laughing. My friend laughed but I could tell he was frustrated.

At that point I seemed to skip a few years. My friend had developed to be very strong and handsome, while I remained goofy and somewhat dependant. I saw him sitting on the floor at a wooden table with other strong, charistmatic men. Some had interesting haircuts where hair was only at the very top of there head (almost like a floppy bun) and bald everywhere else. they were eating and drinking from bowls and I was the person in the kitchen serving them. I seemed happy but slightly jealous of his success. I felt that by that time he resented me somewhat, as if I held him back.

I suddenly remembered being pulled out into war, to fight, and being made to prepare. I felt unprepared. I was in the middle of the fight. Lots of green grass and small hills. There seemed to be mist or fog, ots of pain and screaming--but the scenerary itsef was beautiful. I could tell immediately I wasn't someone made for this. I look and see men on horse running past me, and those who felt familiar to me on the ground in pain. I caught a glimspe of someone in front of me dying. Suddenly, a familiar man, my old friend, comes by on a horse screaming. He's trying to get my attn. I had mixed reactions to his appeareance but I think , underneath it all, I was happy. Before he could finish yelling, his hair blowing out from his thin foreign helmet, I saw a man on a horse behind me. His spear was thick, wooden almost iron looking (as it had a bit of white on it). The man on the horse had a thin leathry looking helmet on, with some weird bulgy (circle/diamond) thing on the top. Next I felt *ACTUAL* pain in my chest. Striaght form my lower ribcage out of my breast. My head threw itself back and I gasped. I then spiraled out of my body and watched myself die. My friend looked a bit upset/sad but rode away with the feeling as if this was just a apart of life and that he could not stop fighting. I died on the battlefeild (forgotten).

Interestingly enough, I looked up the helmets whch I had never seen before and found out that they were from Ming Dynasty. My mind would have most likely wanted me to play the warrior but I guess thats not how it played out. I'm not a weak or dependant personbut have been fighting that tendency to be one since a young age. I've noticed that I also have a pattern of taking in people who remind me of the young man I saw in th "past life story".
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