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Old 20-04-2006, 02:12 AM
Spiritualist74 Spiritualist74 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Canada
Posts: 239
I keep a journal of my thoughts and some poetry is there too
You are welcome to go to the website and have a look
my name there is mysteryman74

A lot about me lol
I was awakened three years ago in a very beautiful way
I was very curious about the blocks i had
as I am an artist and at that time i wasnt able to create
I would just stare at the page and sigh
one day a friend of mine said to me that they would help me
I was ecstatic and didnt know what to expect
I showed up at their apartment and was really inquisitive about everything my friend was to do for me
I asked a lot of questions and recieved a few answers
basically what he did was a chakra alignment
and a chakra cleansing
I didnt know i could see my traumas come through as he worked with my inner light
I saw a few things I had been holding back and then the tears came
i saw a moment in my life where i was almost beaten to death and i survived that
there i was again lying in a bath tub being beaten it was actually a point in my life that i walked through the valley of the shadow of death and got turned around as I walked with Jesus
I remember at the time i saw this again i got emotional and started vibrating with anger deep seeded anger
and i was told to calm down
I was told soon after that my friend felt everything i felt
and had the same tears running down his face I had running down mine

my friend told me i was to go through changes
ok so i counted seven days where I went through hell in ways i cant describe being posessed by spirits
to put it lightly
having all kinds of conversations as spirits came to me and left and came again
til i recieved messages that i had to do work for God to lessen his burden
as the souls were piling up
so i began healing my friends frist then complete strangers i had never met before I would help them with the passing of people close to them
the work i did was amazing
I remember at the end of the seventh day I was taken away and locked up because people though i went crazy
I even healed a man and woman in the hospital where they put me
the man was very um how do you say impressed that i could give him clear vision again
and the woman had suffered three strokes and had terrible headaches
I placed my hands upon her head and the next thing i knew she was smiling at me
that is why i continue to bring joy to people and help those who cant help themselves
I guide many people to what is inside them by them freeing the doubt of who they are inside
Peace be with you
God bless
From james
When the world gives you lemons make lemonade