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Old 24-05-2014, 04:06 AM
Jenny Crow Jenny Crow is offline
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 2,194
I had a reading with the following questions:
What are the general forces acting on my life right now?
What is holding me back?
What does the future hold?

For the first questio I had the prince of wands.
What holds me back seems to be the nine of cups.
It looks like the future is the ace of wands...

My question is: could you please help me read this reading? Is there love somewhere?

When you say you "had a reading" - did someone else do this reading for you or did you do it yourself?

The cards answered your questions - you asked what the general forces are in your life and what's holding you back, then what the future is - but you didn't ask about love.

Could you have (or do for yourself) a reading on just love?

I see the reading that you had as being quite positive, having the ace of Wands for the future is a good sign as it speaks of inspiration and new beginnings for you. I don't see that much is holding you back, except that perhaps you think too much with your heart, which is nice but sometimes you need to use some decisive thinking to stay ahead in the game of life.
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