Thread: its okay to cry
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Old 03-02-2018, 05:19 PM
babaji babaji is offline
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 42
Originally Posted by OEN34
I cry when I feel the need to and I think it releases blockages - emotional blockages. It's a form of healing, too.

I've never been one to act the Alpha Male and stick out my chest pretending to be tough not showing emotions.

Incidentally, I just read a sentence from a book I am reading that says: ''But there was no need to be ashamed of tears, for tears bore witness that a man had the greatest of courage, the courage to suffer''.

Absolutely beautifully put, IMO.

I agree that it releases blockages... and thats exactly why I'm trying to do it. its so annoying! its right there but it wont come out! only times tears flow is when I feel super safe. my body just lets go. its amazing. its only happened like three times in the past year or so.. once with a cat, once with a therapist I called, and once more with a bird. idk its annoying i need some external force to help me cry but it seems to be what it is. im thinking about getting a loving pet,since on multiple occasions, an animal has helped me clear this block, just by being near me.
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