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Old 03-08-2014, 06:53 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by happyblah
Thank you for that, it is interesting. I see death the way you do. Sometimes I feel the world stand still. Its fleeting, but it feels like a glimpse of something beyond the veil of what i normally feel. I am usually attached to my body and that feeling of the world stopping actually scares me but i wonder if thats the norm for some people. Im wondering what this is. Care to share your thoughts?

Blessings and welcome, happyblah, my friend. It is my faith that you may feel served and comforted by some of the following ideas:

Bodily attachment is precisely what engenders fear of the mystery of life and death. Life, too, because the fear of death is actually a fear of life, not really death, since death (transition and transformation) is an element of life as experienced in a field of time and space, and this constant process of transition (which some call "dying every moment") is actually something that we generally do not fear as much as the notion of Eternal Life.

It is not actually death that humans fear and seek to escape; rather it is Eternal Life.

"Stopping the world" is an ancient shamanic teaching of learning to perceive beyond surface appearances, by the way. You are very wise in honestly bringing up your fear and belief in regards to this, for it represents a major area of expansion of consciousness and healing for you. In fact, your simple mention of it is in itself reflective of a very open mind.

It is my suggestion that you probe further into the recesses of your mind, carrying with you the Light of the world that you are, trusting that you will receive more valuable insight into how you may gracefully heal any fear that relates to perceiving beyond your physical body, since the body represents but part of your true Self. On my part, I will continue to elucidate areas of exploration and healing of consciousness in this thread for as long as I am inspired to do so.

You are in the middle of a grand expansion. The type of perception/fear that you mentioned is indeed perceived as "the norm" by most people, in my understanding, due to heavy bodily/personality attachment, but it is not something that may stop you nor anyone else from expanding consciousness, once this belief has been brought to the Light, which I see you as doing, which is really why you were inspired to find this thread.

May you be served in this sharing, my friend. Blessings.
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