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Old 11-10-2018, 08:43 PM
Mayaa777 Mayaa777 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2018
Posts: 26
Originally Posted by soulforce
Hi Maya,

chances are that person is part of your soul group. Just because we don't have instant chemistry with certain people on earth doesn't mean we don't have a direct connection with them on the other side. You might be surprised to know that even your nemesis might be your soulmate. People come into our lives to help us with our expansion, using positive or negative reinforcement. These subtle hints could be a friendly reminder to follow your purpose, or change course. The universe is communicating with you using numbers and relationships. Listen closely and ponder about their significance. You will find the answers that you seek. It will take time, but the answers will come.

If you haven't got one, I highly recommend to start a dream journal. Record every event that has lead you down this path. In time you will start to connect the dots.

The number 7 is the life path of "seeking truth and wisdom", people who are 7's or are mercurial and withhold information from others. In the Angelic realm it's the universe asking you to seek inwards for truth and wisdom.

When you see 77, or 777 stop and analyze what you were thinking about. These are markers that you're on to something. At times the universe also uses synchronicity to let us know to keep going down the path we're on. Only don't let the moment to reflect escape you.

You're spiritual friend wants to act as a guide or mentor because he loves you unconditionally. Perhaps there is something missing in your life that he had. God Bless

Thank you
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