Thread: Athena
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Old 09-08-2020, 09:19 PM
Untersberg56 Untersberg56 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 165
What is the Shroud of Turin evidence of?

There are approximately 500 recorded apparitions of the "Virgin Mary" since the first at Saragossa, Spain in 40 AD when She left a pillar of jasper. In many of these apparitions, physical objects were produced and have been preserved, perhaps the most impressive of these having been at Guadelupe, Mexico in 1531.

I believe that She has wished to give the impression of being the Virgin Mary for the sake of Catholic worshippers. In apparitions in the last century upon which the Church prefers to remain silent, She attempted to cast off the mantle of being Mary, Mother of God when She instructed the Church to recognize Her as "Our Lady of All Peoples Who Once was Mary" and Co/Redemptrix. The Church refused since this would be catastrophic for the Faith.

Above the portal of the Temple to Athena at Sais, western Egypt the words were inscribed: "I am all that has been, is and shall be, and no human has lifted my veil". And so the "Virgin Mary" may have been Athena or Isis for all these centuries.
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