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Old 09-12-2018, 12:37 PM
sky sky is offline
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Originally Posted by MChang
I am interested in what you believe, but please in your own plain language. Tell me what you think from your understanding without quotes from other works.

This is what I believe. There are many references throughout the world, within religions and philosophies, or as Mircea Eliade called it the ‘Axis Mundi, or center of the world. For me it is a reference to the energetic center within each of us. I believe it is Nirvana from Hinduism, the yellow middle from Taoism, the Garden of Eden from Christianity, and many other similar references. The question is what is this within us and how do we get there?

It is an experience, a personal journey. The reaching of Nirvana, Salvation, Following ‘The Way or path’ in Taoism etc…

I believe it is shifting one’s consciousness from external things outside to internal things within. We begin this process using meditation. Quiet the mind and listen. I believe all cultures speak of two halves of our consciousness. Male/female, light/dark, yin/yang, heaven/earth, etc… These are pairs and opposites. In the same way the human mind, read animal soul(Taoist term), is brain based and creates a brain based reality, read projected reality. There is another heart based is spirit soul(another Taoist term) and is generates a reality from the heart that is the real world around us, read phenomenal world.

We are all made up of these two halves the animal soul and spirit soul. We can’t experience the world around us from both at the same time and often are not even aware of which we are experiencing the world from in any given moment. When we begin to go within via meditation, we begin to sense the phenomenal world more and more. We see ourselves as we truly are in the world, often not pretty, but this is where true growth begins, and we can change ourselves. Acceptance of self in our imperfections and changing these things we find is the The Way.

In the world of duality there are there energetic systems. Heaven, Earth, Man (Taoism), Father, Son, Holy Ghost(Trinity), lower, middle, and upper chakra groups from eastern philosophies. The energy of Heaven is separate and distinct from the Energy of Earth. They coexist and are all around us, but they don’t interact. The only place they interact is within each of us. We have both within us, this is the source of our dual nature.

We never truly become One being, we can become One being that is creating and maintaining this balance of these two energetic systems with us in any given moment. If you have the energy of heaven and the energy of Earth within you in balance and harmony, this puts you in the Axis Mundi, yellow middle, center, the Garden of Eden…where all things come from.

When we came here the first time, there was not much interference between us and our center. As we have this human experience from the animal soul, we imprint unresolved issues within ourselves. Over lifetimes we no longer sense the spirit soul within us. All this accumulated ‘stuff’ that we are not aware of dictates our choices and how we experience the phenomenal world or not.

The Way back is to identify these things, remove them until they are no longer are a part of you and you can achieve and maintain Center within yourself in any given moment.

That’s what I think. This is the experience I am having this lifetime. I don’t think it ever ends as long as we are in human form, but every day my connection with universe or Source grows stronger because of the work I do on myself.

Thanks for reading.

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Yin/yang are not seen as opposite, rather complimentary opposites as each contains the other and cannot exist independently. They are the dance of two becoming one...
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