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Old 23-06-2018, 05:00 PM
Moonglow Moonglow is offline
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This discussion is interesting for me.

It brings up similar topics and/or points that seem to come up in such discussions.

To me, terms or word are reference points in order to convey thoughts, points of views, or focal points.

In breaking down the individual into parts in its own way creates diversities with in the self. If some parts are preferred over others, then divisions are created.

In the wholeness there is no ego, there is no higher/lower, there is existence of the individual, IMO.

Yes, goals may be created in order to have some sort of direction, if desired.
One may become aware/conscious of aspects within oneself, what may occur within ones life. But, how it is interpreted, understood, and projected out into the world and with in oneself, seems to indicate an individual is there.

In essence, may be just ethereal or energy, but in this manifestation of being Human, what does it mean? Seems no one answer and meaning found in what living life here may bring.

Which leads my thoughts to reflect upon what appears to have been created through our existence here. Looking at what little I know and observe, it still shows that it has to do with more then what is thought about it and/or even realized. For there always appears to more to explore and comes forth.

The understanding of self seems in some ways a construct in and of itself. How one views oneself seems to be affected by what one understands, influences of varying kind (family, ancestry, society, ect.). Which creates a mind set/thoughts in regards to how self is or is not, IMO.

So, it seems a complexity has been formed in our interactions.

In what I have experienced it mainly has been cause and effect and how am able to adjust/adapt. Sometimes, my self affects these occurances and sometimes it is just what happens.

Point being, "ego" is a reference. Most times has very little to do with what nature may do, only in referring to the aspect in regards to my thinking process. As I understand it.

There is a self/individual, that just creates diversity in the creative movements. There is more then just this self, which will go on after this life. Both, are with in and of this life, but not all that life manifests and reflects unto us and itself.

If one reaches a point that further enhances ones life, helps heal, helps overcome past pains and sufferings, then I say more power to you. But, as I realize it takes effort to create change and manifest these into my life and thoughts.

Just wanted to express this.

Last edited by Moonglow : 23-06-2018 at 06:46 PM.
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