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Old 24-01-2015, 07:26 PM
Fikre Fikre is offline
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 46
For results and gains the key-word is progressive overload. 'At home workout' usually means working out with little to no equipment. It's very hard to progress without weights. For example you want stronger shoulders and you are weak as heck.
Work with dumbbells and smaller barbells until you can overhead press official barbell with good technique for 10 reps. Then start adding weight every workout.
Female push-ups-->push-ups-->push-ups with one leg off the ground-->incline push-ups-->incline push-ups with weighted vest+hand stand holds against wall (don't use vest there for God's sake!) -->Freestanding handstand+negative handstand push-ups against the wall-->Hand-stand push-ups with small range of motion, increasing the range of motion frequently-->elevated handstand push-ups against the wall-->freestanding handstand push-ups-->elevated freestanding handstand push-ups

I mean, which one gets straight to the point? Which one allows you to progress smoother? For all categories of strength and muscle mass, barbells and dumbbells are absolutely better. I still love calisthenics, they are good for body awareness, muscle/joint health, endurance, mobility and for connecting your body and mind! But since most people want to gain muscles, be stronger, get better butt, tone their muscles and so on, gym is the one and only correct answer.
Some people tell to look at gymnasts, but elite gymnasts are genetically gifted athletes that have trained everyday since they were five. And still they are not even close to being as strong as strongmen, powerlifters or olympic weightlifters.

I would love train in some beautiful park using calisthenics, but I go to gym because of the results it gives. It's just so much better evidence of getting stronger to increase your back squat by 50 pounds than to learn pistol squats.
Though, well done calisthenics>****ty weight lifting. If you have motivation for calisthenics and you have no motivation for weight lifting, then choose calisthenics. It's better to do progressive calisthenics for 20 years than to lift barbell for 3 weeks and stop because you hate every second of it.
You will get more muscle by wrestling than by not doing anything, you know what I mean?!
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