Thread: Energy vampire
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Old 01-11-2019, 06:51 PM
ThatMan ThatMan is offline
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Originally Posted by 2017account
One of main symptoms is having anxiety which in turn is giving people psychic attacks. People used to just cove their face, and some people would put their head down or say negative criticism like I'm scary. Or just simply making people anxious around me

I think it started when I heard someone talk bad about me, and I couldn't stop feeling bad. The next day, I decided to allibatebtbe pain by masturbating. After that, it went away.

Although I did find some threads that I related to in my situation, not sure if it would fit in this thread, and tonlet to of my anxieties and fear. Or cleanse my aura or thought pattern or unresolved emotions

I still felt normal, but over time, I noticed more and more people reacting to me, which made me feel less normal.

Many months later, I decided to do research on Spiritual Forums. I had to look at various subjected such as Kudalini, enegy vampires, entiry attachments, chakra blockages.

It has been close tona year, and I feel like, it was meant to be a short period, and I gotta pass through it. I wish I could do it by myself, and

It is hard to explain bdause I think it depends if I rely comfortable. Because of trb way some people started to treat me diferbtky is why I have anxiety or paranoia in some situations. I just got used to people reacting that way and having to expect it

Never use porn or anything else to run from pain... the pain will stay there and eventually you will have to face it and it will be a lot more harder then.You will face it by simply fully living it and accepting it, try to meditate, it would help you a lot and you will no more need porn or any other thing to keep your suffering away from you.I did this so I am the living example, please follow my advice, you will "free" yourself faster from suffering.

An energy vampire is one who feeds with the energy of other people leaving them drained, at least this is how people defined it.

To me it sounds that you have given in to the negative side and you can't free yourself from it, it's like a vicious cycle, as I said, please follow my advice and start to meditate, start with 5 minutes, then 10, then 20 and do this every single day and you will feel much better in time, it takes time.I know it's hard to hear other people saying bad things about yourself... but... are you letting someone else to decide who you are? People love to gossip and they to this as a way to show that they are better than other people by.

This is how I meditate, try this, maybe it works for you too:

I lay down in my bed, on my back, with my face pointing upwards, the posture of my body it's like a straight line, then every single time a thought appears in my mind, I just let it be, I don't focus on it, I don't feed it, eventually it fades away.If you find yourself giving in to your thoughts, slowly, detach your focus from them and return into that silence that appears when the mind is silent.The idea is that you will reach a state where your mind is completely silent and this silence is incredible! Do this again and again with every thought that you have.You will gain more and more control and clarity and you will be able to escape the vicious cycle of negativity.This is what I've done so I am giving you my best advice!

Now, one more piece of advice, set yourself a goal in the back of your mind, something that you really need in your life, something of spiritual nature ( clarity of mind, a higher awareness, freedom from negativity etc ), leave this goal there, in the back of your mind and then meditate, but have only one goal at first.You should meditate daily and keep doing this practice for several months and then for the rest of your life, it takes some time to actually feel the benefits, it may even happen instantly, all people are different so I can't say for sure.

Also do more research in this area of meditation!
The truth.
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