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Old 16-11-2011, 05:48 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by I AM
Very cool......

yes and not too different from what you were saying, i would try out different landscapes to jump into, some were held onto and if it didn't work I would try a new one and keep adding to it and adding and adding and if it wasn't working i would move on to another one. I tried zooming into the dark places last night, kind of worked, but hurt my head lol. Also looking upwards as comfortably as you can helps with creating the pictures.

Although I can no longer find the article, it made a lot of sense to me at the time. It said for your pineal to release melatonin into your bloodstream you need 3 things. The pineal responds to zero light, which I had, you need deep rhythmic breathing which occurred naturally, and the final step was to have very vivid mental pictures. So it seems as if it's a tool that i was putting my body to sleep and with the final action of having mental pictures, the melatonin was released, slipping me to sleep, but still keeping the awareness of the realm i created.
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